Source code for tendril.utils.log

# Copyright (C) 2015 Chintalagiri Shashank
# This file is part of Tendril.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
The Log Utils Module (:mod:`tendril.utils.log`)

This module provides utilities to deal with logging systems. The intent of
having this module instead of using :mod:`logging` directly is to allow the
injection of various default parameters and options into all the loggers
used from a central place, instead of littering them throughout the

At present, this module does nothing that is overly useful, except for
being able to set the default log level for all modules simultaneously.

.. rubric:: Usage Example

>>> from tendril.utils import log
>>> logger = log.get_logger(__name__, log.DEFAULT)


import os
import sys
import socket
import logging
from loguru import logger

#: Level for debug entries. High volume is ok
from logging import DEBUG   # noqa
#: Level for informational entires. Low volume
from logging import INFO  # noqa
#: Warnings only, which inform of possible failure
from logging import WARNING  # noqa
#: Errors only, which inform of high likelihood of failure
from logging import ERROR  # noqa
#: Critical Errors, things which should halt execution entirely
from logging import CRITICAL  # noqa

#: The default log level for all loggers created through this module,
#: unless otherwise specified at the time of instantiation.
DEFAULT = logging.INFO
_hostname = socket.gethostname()
_rename_modules = False
_names = {}
_source_maxlen = 15
identifier = None

[docs]def _time_fmt(config): """ Return a time format string for use with the log formatter. The returned string is used by the log formatter to format the time portion of the log message. The time format string is determined by the configuration options LOG_COMPACT_TS and LOG_COMPACT_TS_READABLE. LOG_COMPACT_TS is a boolean option that determines whether the log formatter should use a compact format for the time portion of the log message. LOG_COMPACT_TS_READABLE is a boolean option that determines whether the log formatter should use a human-readable format for the time portion of the log message when the compact format is selected. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) Args: config: A Config object. Returns: A format string for use with the log formatter. """ if config.LOG_COMPACT_TS: if config.LOG_COMPACT_TS_READABLE: return '{time:%m-%d %H%M.%S}' return '{time:%s}' return '{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS}'
[docs]def _hostname_fmt(config): """Add hostname to message if LOG_INCLUDE_HOSTNAME is set. If LOG_HOSTNAME_PREFIX is set, remove it from the hostname. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) """ if config.LOG_INCLUDE_HOSTNAME: if config.LOG_HOSTNAME_PREFIX: return f' | {_hostname.removeprefix(config.LOG_HOSTNAME_PREFIX)}' else: return f' | {_hostname}' return ''
[docs]def _level_fmt(config): """Return a format string that will be used to format the log level. The log level can be displayed as a compact string, a compact icon, or a full name. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) """ if config.LOG_COMPACT_LEVEL: return '{^1.1}' if config.LOG_COMPACT_LEVEL_ICON: return '{level.icon:^1}' return '{level: <8}'
[docs]def _source_fmt(config): """Return a format string that will format the message source. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot)""" if config.LOG_COMPACT_SOURCE: return '{extra[name]}' return '{name}'
[docs]def _config(config): """ If the config LOG_COMPACT_SOURCE set to True, then we patch each record to include a shorter version of the module name. This compacted string is set in the 'extra' dictionary of the record and the 'name' field is not modified. This is done to avoid any potential side effects within the logging system. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) """ if config.LOG_COMPACT_SOURCE: global _rename_modules global _source_maxlen _rename_modules = True _source_maxlen = config.LOG_COMPACT_SOURCE_MAXLEN patcher = lambda r: _shortname(r['name'], r['extra']) return patcher return
[docs]def apply_config(config=None): if not config: from tendril import config global DEFAULT global identifier DEFAULT = config.LOG_LEVEL logging.root.setLevel(config.LOG_LEVEL) patcher = _config(config) identifier = _hostname_fmt(config) fmt = "<green>" + _time_fmt(config) + identifier + "</green> | " \ "<level>" + _level_fmt(config) + "</level> | " \ "<cyan><i>" + _source_fmt(config) + "</i></cyan>:<cyan>{function}</cyan>:<cyan>{line}</cyan> " \ "- <level><n>{message}</n></level>" params = { 'handlers': [{"sink": sys.stdout, "serialize": False, "format": fmt}], } if patcher: params['patcher'] = patcher logger.configure(**params) create_log_file(config)
[docs]def create_log_file(config): logdir = os.path.split(config.LOG_PATH)[0] if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir) fmt = "<green>" + _time_fmt(config) + _hostname_fmt(config) + "</green> | " \ "<level>" + _level_fmt(config) + "</level> | " \ "<cyan>" + _source_fmt(config) + "</cyan>:<cyan>{function}</cyan>:<cyan>{line}</cyan> " \ "- <level><n>{message}</n></level>" logger.add(config.LOG_PATH, level="INFO", serialize=config.JSON_LOGS, enqueue=True, rotation="1 week", retention="14 days", format=fmt, catch=True, backtrace=True, diagnose=True)"Logging to: {}".format(config.LOG_PATH))
[docs]class InterceptHandler(logging.Handler):
[docs] def emit(self, record): # Get corresponding Loguru level if it exists try: level = logger.level(record.levelname).name except ValueError: level = record.levelno # Find caller from where originated the logged message frame, depth = sys._getframe(6), 6 while frame and frame.f_code.co_filename == logging.__file__: frame = frame.f_back depth += 1 logger.opt(depth=depth, exception=record.exc_info).log(level, record.getMessage())
[docs]def init(): # intercept everything at the root logger logging.root.handlers = [InterceptHandler()] logging.root.setLevel(logging.INFO) # remove every other logger's handlers # and propagate to root logger for name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict.keys(): logging.getLogger(name).handlers = [] logging.getLogger(name).propagate = True # configure loguru logger.configure(handlers=[{"sink": sys.stdout, "serialize": False}]) # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) silence = [ logging.getLogger('watchdog.observers.inotify_buffer'), logging.getLogger('requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool'), logging.getLogger('passlib.registry'), logging.getLogger('passlib.utils.compat'), logging.getLogger('appenlight_client.utils'), logging.getLogger('appenlight_client.timing'), logging.getLogger('appenlight_client.client'), logging.getLogger('appenlight_client.transports.requests'), logging.getLogger('pika.callback'), logging.getLogger(''), logging.getLogger('pika.heartbeat'), logging.getLogger('pika.connection'), logging.getLogger('pika.adapters.base_connection'), logging.getLogger('pika.adapters.blocking_connection'), logging.getLogger('pika.adapters.select_connection'), logging.getLogger('urllib3.connectionpool'), logging.getLogger('matplotlib'), logging.getLogger('matplotlib.font_manager'), logging.getLogger('matplotlib.backends'), logging.getLogger('parso.python.diff'), logging.getLogger('parso.cache'), ] for external_logger in silence: external_logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger('pika.connection').setLevel(logging.ERROR)
[docs]def _shortname(name, extra): extra["name"] = _names.get(name, name)
_std_abbreviate = {'tendril': 't', 'libraries': 'lib'} _never_abbreviate = ['db', 'config'] _never_abbreviate_before = [] _never_abbreviate_after = []
[docs]def _tlen(parts): return sum([len(x) for x in parts]) + len(parts) - 1
[docs]def _recalculate_names(): """This function is used to calculate the names of the modules that are used in the log messages. The names thus calculated are stored in the _names dictionary and used later via _shortname for each log message. This dictionary contains the full name of the module as the key, and the shortened name as the value. The shortened name is calculated by splitting the name into a list of parts, and then abbreviating the parts as needed using the tokens dictionary, which is recalculated at every call to this function. The parts are abbreviated if the length of the parts list is greater than the maximum length, and if the part is not in the list of parts that should never be abbreviated. The parts of the name are abbreviated by abbreviating the part to the shortest unique abbreviation. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot)""" global _names maxlen = _source_maxlen tokens = {} for name in _names.keys(): parts = name.split('.')[:-1] for part in parts: current = tokens.get(part, {'abbrev': part, 'count': 0}) current['count'] = current['count'] + 1 tokens[part] = current for token in sorted(tokens.keys(), key=lambda x: tokens[x]['count'], reverse=True): if token in _std_abbreviate.keys(): tokens[token]['abbrev'] = _std_abbreviate[token] done = True elif token in _never_abbreviate: tokens[token]['abbrev'] = token done = True else: done = False alen = 0 while not done: alen = alen + 1 abbrev = token[:alen] if abbrev not in [tokens[x]['abbrev'] for x in tokens.keys()]: tokens[token]['abbrev'] = abbrev done = True for name in _names.keys(): parts = name.split('.') for idx, part in enumerate(parts[:-1]): if part in _never_abbreviate: continue try: if parts[idx + 1] in _never_abbreviate_before: continue except IndexError: pass try: if parts[idx - 1] in _never_abbreviate_after: continue except IndexError: pass if _tlen(parts) > maxlen: parts[idx] = tokens[part]['abbrev'] + '.' else: break _names[name] = '.'.join(parts)
[docs]def _register_name(name): global _names _names[name] = name if not _rename_modules: return _recalculate_names()
[docs]def get_logger(name, level=None): """ Get a logger with the specified ``name`` and an optional ``level``. The levels from the python :mod:`logging` module can be used directly. For convenience, these levels are imported into this module's namespace as well, along with the :data:`DEFAULT` level this module provides. See python :mod:`logging` documentation for information about log levels. :param name: The name of the logger :type name: str :param level: Log level of the logger to be used. Default : :data:`DEFAULT`. :type level: int :return: The logger instance """ built_logger = logging.getLogger(name) if level is not None: built_logger.setLevel(level) else: built_logger.setLevel(DEFAULT) if name not in _names.keys(): _register_name(name) return built_logger
getLogger = get_logger init()