Source code for tendril.utils.config

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# Copyright (C) 2018 Chintalagiri Shashank
# This file is part of tendril.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
Config Infrastructure Module (:mod:`tendril.utils.config`)

This module provides reusable infrastructure used by the tendril instance

TODO Describe Architecture and Usage somewhere


import os
import json
import importlib
import logging
from runpy import run_path
from distutils.util import strtobool
from tendril.utils.versions import get_namespace_package_names
from tendril.utils.files import yml

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ConfigElement(object): def __init__(self, name, default, doc, parser=None, masked=False): = name self.default = default self.doc = doc self.parser = parser self.masked = masked self.source = None self.ctx = None
[docs] def doc_render(self): return [, self.doc, self.default, self.masked_value, self.source]
@property def value(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def masked_value(self): """Return a masked version of the value of the option. If the option is not to be masked, the value is returned unchanged. If the field is to be masked, the masked value is returned. The masking algorithm is as follows: * If the value is not a string, it is returned unchanged. * If the value is a string, the first 8 characters (or 1/8 of the string, whichever is shorter) are returned, followed by ellipses and the last 8 characters (or 1/8 of the string, whichever is shorter) (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) Returns: str: The masked value of the field. """ value = self.value if not self.masked: return value if not isinstance(value, str): return value v_len = len(value) m_len = int(min(v_len/8, 8)) return f"{value[:m_len]}...{value[-m_len:]}"
[docs]def bool_parser(value): if not value: return False if isinstance(value, str): return strtobool(value) else: return bool(value)
[docs]class ConfigConstant(ConfigElement): """ A configuration `constant`. This is fully specified in the core configuration module and cannot be changed by the user or the instance administrator without modifying the code. The value itself is constructed using ``eval()``. """ @property def value(self): self.source = "hardcoded" return eval(self.default, self.ctx)
[docs]class ConfigOption(ConfigElement): """ A configuration `option`. These options can be overridden by specifying them in the ``instance_config`` and ``local_config_overrides`` files. If specified in one of those files, the value should be the actual configuration value and not an expression. The default value specified here is used through ``eval()``. """ @property def raw_value(self): try: rv = self.ctx['_environment_overrides'][] self.source = 'environment_override' return rv except KeyError: pass try: rv = self.ctx['_local_config'][] self.source = 'local_override' return rv except KeyError: pass try: rv = self.ctx['_instance_config'][] self.source = 'instance_config' return rv except KeyError: pass try: if self.ctx['_external_configs']: rv = self.ctx['_external_configs'].get( self.source = 'external_config' return rv except ExternalConfigKeyError: pass try: rv = eval(self.default, self.ctx) self.source = 'default' return rv except SyntaxError: print("Required config option not set in " "instance config : " + raise @property def value(self): """Get the value of the property. If a parser is defined, the value returned is the result of applying the parser to the raw value of the property. Otherwise, the raw value is returned. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) """ if self.parser: if self.parser == bool: return bool_parser(self.raw_value) return self.parser(self.raw_value) else: return self.raw_value
[docs]class ConfigOptionConstruct(ConfigElement): def __init__(self, name, parameters, doc): self._parameters = parameters super(ConfigOptionConstruct, self).__init__(name, None, doc) @property def value(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ExternalConfigMissingError(Exception): def __init__(self, source, filetype): self.source = source self.filetype = filetype
[docs]class ExternalConfigFormatError(Exception): def __init__(self, source, filetype): self.source = source self.filetype = filetype
[docs]class ExternalConfigKeyError(Exception): def __init__(self, source, key): self.source = source self.key = key
[docs]class ConfigSourceDoesNotProvideKey(ExternalConfigKeyError): pass
[docs]class ConfigSourceDoesNotContainKey(ExternalConfigKeyError): def __init__(self, source, key, key_path): super(ConfigSourceDoesNotContainKey, self).__init__(source, key) self.key_path = key_path
[docs]class ConfigSourceBase(object):
[docs] def get(self, key): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ConfigExternalSource(ConfigSourceBase): def __init__(self, path, keymap): self._path = path self._keymap: dict = keymap @property def path(self): return self._path
[docs] def get(self, key): if key not in self._keymap.keys(): raise ConfigSourceDoesNotProvideKey(self._path, key) return self._get(self._keymap[key])
[docs] def _get(self, key_path): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ConfigExternalJSONSource(ConfigExternalSource): def __init__(self, path, keymap): super(ConfigExternalJSONSource, self).__init__(path, keymap) self._source = None self._load_external_config()
[docs] def _load_external_config(self): """ This function loads the external config file into a dictionary The external config file is a json file that contains some configuration parameters for the application. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) """ if not os.path.exists(os.path.expandvars(self._path)): raise ExternalConfigMissingError(self._path, 'json') with open(os.path.expandvars(self._path), 'r') as f: self._source = json.load(f)
[docs] def _get(self, key_path): """Return the value at the end of the key_path. key_path is a string of the form 'key1:key2:key3' where each key is a key in a dict. This function will return the value of key3 in the dict d[key1][key2]. If key1, key2, or key3 do not exist, a ConfigSourceDoesNotContainKey error will be raised. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) """ rval = self._source try: for crumb in key_path.split(':'): rval = rval.get(crumb) except KeyError: raise ConfigSourceDoesNotContainKey(self._source, None, key_path) return rval
[docs]class ConfigExternalSources(ConfigSourceBase): def __init__(self, path): super(ConfigExternalSources, self).__init__() self._path = path self._sources = [] self._load_external_sources()
[docs] def _load_external_sources(self): """ This method loads the external config files from the given path. It iterates over each config and determines the format of the file. If the format is JSON, it will create a ConfigExternalJSONSource object and add it to the list of sources. If the file format is not supported, it will raise an ExternalConfigFormatError. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) """ external_configs = yml.load(self._path) for config in external_configs: try: if config['format'] == 'json': self._sources.append( ConfigExternalJSONSource(config['path'], config['keymap']) ) else: raise ExternalConfigFormatError(config['path'], config['filetype']) except ExternalConfigMissingError: pass
[docs] def get(self, key): """Return the value associated with the key in the configured external sources. Returns the value associated with the key in the first source that has the key. If the key is not found in any of the sources, raise ExternalConfigKeyError. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) Args: key (str): The key to search for. Returns: The value associated with the key. Raises: ExternalConfigKeyError: If the key is not found in any of the sources. """ for source in self._sources: try: return source.get(key) except ExternalConfigKeyError: continue raise ExternalConfigKeyError(self._path, key)
[docs]class ConfigManager(object): """The ConfigManager class provides a consistent interface for accessing configuration information from a variety of sources. It is intended to be a singleton. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) """ def __init__(self, prefix, legacy, excluded, appname=None): self._prefix = prefix self._excluded = excluded self.APPNAME = appname self._instance_config = None self._local_config = None self._external_configs: ConfigExternalSources = None self._environment_overrides = None self._modules_loaded = [] self._legacy = None self._docs = [] self._load_legacy(legacy) self._load_configs()
[docs] def _check_depends(self, depends): for m in depends: if m not in self._modules_loaded: return False return True
[docs] def _load_legacy(self, m_name): if not m_name: return logger.debug("Loading legacy configuration from {0}".format(m_name)) self._legacy = importlib.import_module(m_name)
@property def legacy(self): return self._legacy
[docs] def _load_configs(self): """Load configuration elements from modules. This method will load configuration elements from modules in the current namespace. It will respect the dependency order specified in the depends attribute of each module while loading. If any dependencies are not satisfied, the module will be skipped until it is. If a module is skipped and there are no remaining modules to load, an error will be logged. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) """ logger.debug("Loading configuration from {0}".format(self._prefix)) modules = list(get_namespace_package_names(self._prefix)) changed = True deadlocked = False while len(modules) and not deadlocked: if not changed: deadlocked = True changed = False remaining_modules = [] for m_name in modules: if m_name in self._excluded: continue m = importlib.import_module(m_name) if self._check_depends(m.depends): logger.debug("Loading {0}".format(m_name)) m.load(self) self._modules_loaded.append(m_name) changed = True else: if deadlocked: logger.error("Failed loading {0}. Missing dependency." "".format(m_name)) remaining_modules.append(m_name) modules = remaining_modules
[docs] def load_config_files(self): """ Loads the configuration from different sources to populate the unified config object (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) :return: None """ if os.path.exists(self.INSTANCE_CONFIG_FILE):"Loading Instance Config from {0}" "".format(self.INSTANCE_CONFIG_FILE)) self._instance_config = run_path(self.INSTANCE_CONFIG_FILE) else: self._instance_config = {} if os.path.exists(self.LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE):"Loading Local Config from {0}" "".format(self.LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE)) self._local_config = run_path(self.LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE) else: self._local_config = {} try: self._environment_overrides = {} if self.ALLOW_ENVIRONMENT_OVERRIDES: if self.ENVIRONMENT_OVERRIDE_PREFIX: for key, value in os.environ.items(): if key.startswith(self.ENVIRONMENT_OVERRIDE_PREFIX):"Environment Config Override : {} : {}".format(key, value)) self._environment_overrides[key[len(self.ENVIRONMENT_OVERRIDE_PREFIX):]] = value except KeyError: pass if os.path.exists(self.EXTERNAL_CONFIG_SOURCES): logger.debug("Loading External Configuration Maps from {0}" "".format(self.EXTERNAL_CONFIG_SOURCES)) self._external_configs = ConfigExternalSources(self.EXTERNAL_CONFIG_SOURCES)
@property def INSTANCE_CONFIG(self): return self._instance_config @property def LOCAL_CONFIG(self): return self._local_config @property def EXTERNAL_CONFIG(self): return self._external_configs @property def ENVIRONMENT_OVERRIDES(self): return self._environment_overrides
[docs] def load_elements(self, elements, doc=''): """ Loads the constants and/or options in the provided list into the config namespace. :param elements: `list` of :class:`ConfigConstant` or :class:`ConfigOption` or :class:`ConfigOptionConstruct` :return: None """ _doc_part = [] for element in elements: element.ctx = self.__dict__ element.ctx['os'] = os setattr(self,, element.value) _doc_part.append(element.doc_render()) self._docs.append([_doc_part, doc])
[docs] def instance_path(self, path): return os.path.join(self.INSTANCE_ROOT, path)
@property def docs(self): return self._docs
[docs] def doc_render(self): """Returns a dictionary of documentation for the options. The dictionary is keyed by the names of the option groups. The value for each group is a dictionary keyed by the names of the options in that group. Each option value is a dictionary with the keys: doc The documentation string for the option. default The default value for the option. value The value of the option after all configuration files have been read. source The filename of the configuration file from which the option was read, or None if the option was not read from a configuration file. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) """ rv = {} for section, name in self._docs: items = {} for oname, doc, default, masked_value, source in section: items[oname] = {'doc': doc, 'default': default, 'value': masked_value, 'source': source} rv[name] = items return rv
[docs] def json_render(self): """Render the config as a dict suitable for JSON encoding. The structure is as follows: { 'section1': { 'item1': { 'value': 'value1', 'source': 'source1', }, 'item2': { 'value': 'value2', 'source': 'source2', }, }, 'section2': { 'item1': { 'value': 'value1', 'source': 'source1', }, 'item2': { 'value': 'value2', 'source': 'source2', }, }, } (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) :returns: a dict of the config. """ rv = {} for section, name in self._docs: items = {} for oname, doc, default, masked_value, source in section: items[oname] = {'value': masked_value, 'source': source} rv[name] = items return rv
[docs] def log_render(self): """This method logs the rendered configuration. It loops through the sections and names of the configuration, and prints the value of each option, as well as its source (the file in which it was defined). The value is masked if the option is sensitive. (doc generated mostly by GitHub Copilot) """ for section, name in self._docs:'--------------------------------')"{name.upper()} : ") for oname, _, _, masked_value, source in section:" {0:30} : {1} ({2})".format(oname, masked_value, source))
[docs]def generate_constants(instance_name): config_constants_basic = [ ConfigConstant( 'INSTANCE_NAME', "'{}'".format(instance_name), 'Name of the instance. Used to determine configuration and resource paths.' ), ConfigConstant( 'INSTANCE_ROOT_CANDIDATES', """list([ os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.{}'.format(INSTANCE_NAME), 'tendril'), os.path.join('/etc', INSTANCE_NAME, 'tendril'), os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.tendril'), ])""", 'Paths to search for the INSTANCE_ROOT. First available path will be used.' ), ConfigConstant( 'INSTANCE_ROOT', "list(filter(os.path.exists, INSTANCE_ROOT_CANDIDATES))[0]", "Path to the instance root. Can be redirected if necessary" "with a file named ``redirect`` in this folder." ), ] config_constants_environment = [ ConfigConstant( 'ALLOW_ENVIRONMENT_OVERRIDES', "True", 'Whether config options can be overridden from the environment.' ), ConfigConstant( 'ENVIRONMENT_OVERRIDE_PREFIX', "'{}_'.format(INSTANCE_NAME.upper())", 'Environment variable name prefix.' ), ] config_constants_redirected = [ ConfigConstant( 'INSTANCE_CONFIG_FILE', "os.path.join(INSTANCE_ROOT, '')", 'Path to the tendril instance configuration.' ), ConfigConstant( 'LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE', "os.path.join(INSTANCE_ROOT, '')", 'Path to local overrides to the instance configuration.' ), ] config_constants_external = [ ConfigConstant( 'EXTERNAL_CONFIG_SOURCES', "os.path.join(INSTANCE_ROOT, 'external_configs.yaml')", "Path to a yaml definition file mapping to external config sources." ) ] return config_constants_environment, config_constants_basic, config_constants_redirected, config_constants_external
[docs]def install_config(manager, instance_name): config_constants_environment, \ config_constants_basic, \ config_constants_redirected, \ config_constants_external = generate_constants(instance_name) manager.load_elements(config_constants_basic, doc="Tendril Default Instance Root") manager.load_elements(config_constants_environment, doc="Environment Variable Override Configuration")"Using Instance Root {}".format(manager.INSTANCE_ROOT)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(manager.INSTANCE_ROOT, 'redirect')):"Found instance redirect") with open(os.path.join(manager.INSTANCE_ROOT, 'redirect'), 'r') as f: manager.INSTANCE_ROOT ="Using Redirected Instance Root {}".format(manager.INSTANCE_ROOT)) manager.load_elements(config_constants_redirected, doc="Tendril Configuration Paths") manager.load_elements(config_constants_external, doc="External Configuration Sources") manager.load_config_files()